Removing Blood Stains

- Put a paste of water and cornstarch, cornmeal or talcum powder on fresh spots. Let dry and brush off.

- Cover fresh or dried stains with meat tenderizer and add cool water. After 15 to 30 minutes, sponge off with cool water.

- Fresh blood on leather? Dab on a little hydrogen peroxide. After it bubbles, wipe it off.

- If you get blood on fabric, quickly wet a long piece of white cotton thread with saliva and place it across the spot. The thread will absorb the blood.

Contact Ultra Clean of Brevard Today!

Don't wait any longer. Contact Ultra Clean of Brevard today and we'll have your business, office, or vacation rental cleaned in no time. Cleaning services in Melbourne, Cocoa Beach, Viera, Rockledge and surrounding Florida areas. Just give us a call at 321-403-1761 and we can arrange convenient service for you.

Person cleaning a window with a green spray bottle and yellow rag